Advisory Board Announcement

The AI Asia Pacific Institute is pleased to announce the appointment of Richard Kelly, to serve on its Board of Advisors. Richard will be joining Philippa Penfold, Vincent Vuillard, Daniel Spencer and Antonio Feraco to support the growth of the AI Asia Pacific Institute.

Richard is a Technology Ethics Specialist at PwC, his key focus on technology ethics and Artificial Intelligence has led him to become an integral part to the delivery and development of PwCs Global Responsible AI offering.

He brings with him over 15 years of experience developing and implementing small to large ICT projects across a variety of industries. Richard has successfully lead numerous ICT, infrastructure and transformation projects within the Energy, Health and Defence sectors.

The board of advisors will continually enable our organisation to draw from a much wider pool of experience and know-how as we expand through the Asia-Pacific region.

For more information on Board members, please visit: Our Why