2021 Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence
in the Asia-Pacific Region
The research programme remains open and we will continue to collect data. A revised version of this report will be published in 2022 reflecting the new findings. The study seeks to identify the current state of trustworthy AI in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region.
Click Here to Contribute to the StudySome details regarding the Consultation:
- The online consultation will take approximately 10 to 15 minutes.
- You will be asked about your work and how it may be impacted by AI ethics-related issues, how this work aligns with recent developments in the industry as well as international recommendations, whether or not your organisation has the capability or capacity to address these issues and your perception of criticality of associated risks.
- The findings of our study will be presented at the Trustworthy AI Asia-Pacific Summit 2022, with the aim of influencing policy-making on improving the implementation of trustworthy AI throughout the APAC region.
- If authorised, we may seek to contact you for further information on your confidential submission.
What does the consultation include?
The survey has three core parts:
- The consultation identifies features of your organisation relevant to the study.
- The consultation clarifies your organisation’s approach to Trustworthy AI.
- The consultation collects responses on your organisation’s engagement with common principles of trustworthy AI.
How will my submission and data be managed?
The information collected under the consultation will be used as part of the Institute’s Project on the state of Trustworthy AI.
The AI Asia-Pacific Institute will not publish confidential submissions. Responses will be aggregated in all publications containing the survey results. Should we need to quote you directly, we will contact you for permission, and use pseudonyms for the quotes if required.